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MOGGE CON-PAS registry statistics
Number of studies per intervention
Uterine artery embolization: 23 studies
Prophylactic balloon: 15 studies
Placenta in situ: 7 studies
Compression sutures: 10 studies
Uterine wall excision: 6 studies
Total: 61 studies

Number of reported patients per type of intervention

Uterine artery embolization: 453 patients
Prophylactic balloon: 651 patients
Placenta in situ: 122 patients
Compression sutures: 265 patients
Uterine wall excision 488 patients
Total: 1979 patients
Success rate and rate of complications of common modalities of uterine conservation in women with PAS

Success rate trend over time of common modalities of uterine conservation in women with PAS

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