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Research Committee
This committee includes a group of young researchers who want to learn and spread the culture of research among young generations of OBGYN doctors


Genal Elassal
Committee Chair
Esraa Gamal
Team leader
Albatool Almahdy
Team leader

List of publications and projects
Shazly SA, Hortu I, Shih JC, Melekoglu R, Fan S, Ahmed FU, Karaman E, Fatkullin I, Pinto PV, Irianti S, Tochie JN. Prediction of success of uterus preserving management in women with placenta accreta spectrum (CON‐PAS score): A multicenter international study. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2020 Dec 5.
Abd Elazeem HA, Saad MM, Ahmed IA, Sayed EG, AlMahdy AM, Atef F, Elassall GM, Ashraf Salah M, Ali AK, Ragab EY, Shazly SA. High‐intensity focused ultrasound in management of placenta accreta spectrum: A systematic review. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2020 Dec;151(3):325-32.
AlMahdy A, Elassall G, Abdelbadee A, Abd-Elkariem AY, Atef F, Ahmed I, Sayed E, Ashraf M, Ali A, Ragab E, Abd Elazeem HA. Prognostic value of systematic lymphadenectomy in patients with ovarian cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Authorea Preprints. 2020 Aug 5.
Shazly SA, Hortu I, Shih JC, Melekoglu R, Fan S, Ahmed FU, Karaman E, Fatkullin I, Pinto PV, Irianti S, Tochie JN.Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in Women with Placenta Accreta Spectrum Using Machine Learning Models: An International Multicenter Study. Authorea Preprints. 2020 Aug 20
Michael A, Radwan AA, Ali AK, Abd-Elkariem AY, Shazly SA, Obstetrics ME, Group GG. Use of antenatal fluorinated corticosteroids in management of congenital heart block: Systematic review and meta-analysis. European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology: X. 2019 Oct 1;4:100072.
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